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Release Notes: Public API 3.4.0

  1. Add new resources Flexibility Assets.

  2. Add new resources Flexibility Activation Requests.

  3. Add an action to create activation request for a specific flexibility asset: Flexibility Asset / Create Activation Request.

  4. Add an option to include clockAlignedEnergyConsumption during time intervals of 15, 30 or 60 minutes in:

    1. the response of Sessions / Listing and Sessions / Read.
    2. the SessionUpdateNotification, Notifications / Subscribe.
  5. Add the property externalId and serialNumber to the payment terminal objects of CRUD APIs of payment terminals and as an argument when creating a new payment terminal. Added option to filter the listing by serialNumber.

  6. Change currencyId to currencyCode in:

    1. the response object of Valina in Payment Terminals / Listing,
    2. the request and response object of Valina in Payment Terminals / Create,
    3. the response object of Valina in Payment Terminals / Read,
    4. the response object of Valina in Payment Terminals / Update.
  7. Add the option enabledRandomisedDelay applicable only for personal charge points to the CRUD APIs for Charge Points.

  8. Add sharing code that provides access to the personal charge point for other users aside from the owner in the CRUD APIs for Charge Points and an option to filter a list of charge points by sharing code.

  9. Add CRUD APIs for charge point sharing.

  10. Add an action to change sharing code of a charge point: Actions / Change sharing code.

  11. Make the CRUD APIs v2.1 of the EVSE standalone resources the same as the EVSE subresources of the Charge Point resource APIs v2.0.

  12. Add an option to include an array of the connectors in the EVSE object in the response of CRUD APIs v2.1 of the EVSE standalone resources and EVSE subresources of the Charge Point resource APIs v2.0.

Release Notes: Public API 3.3.0

  1. Add new resources Payment Terminals.
  2. Add the following data to partnerInvite.changed notification:
    1. allowCorporateAccountBilling
    2. limitCorporateAccountBillingToPartnerChargePoints
    3. allowAccessToPrivateChargePoints
  3. Add 404 response to the following APIs:
    1. Reservations / Read
    2. Tariff Groups / Update
    3. Tariff Groups / Delete

Release Notes: Public API 3.2.0

  1. Replace Roaming Platforms with Roaming Connections.
    1. New APIs:
      1. Roaming Connections / Listing
      2. Roaming Connections / Read
    2. Deprecated APIs:
      1. Roaming Platforms / Listing
      2. Roaming Platforms / Read

Release Notes: Public API 3.0.0

  1. Add receiptId to the payload of SessionUpdateNotification notification, Notifications / Subscribe
  2. Add receiptId as a filter and in the response of Sessions / Listing
  3. Set max length of pin to 4 numbers in the following:
    1. Charge Points / Create
    2. Charge Points / Listing
    3. Charge Points / Update
    4. Charge Points / Read
  4. Simplify the body params object by removing data in Personal smart charging preferences / Update

Release Notes: Public API 2.125.0

  1. Add externalAppData in the payload of the following notifications, Notifications / Subscribe:
    1. SessionStartStopNotification
    2. SessionUpdateNotification
  2. Add externalAppData in the response and as a filter of:
    1. Sessions / Listing
    2. Sessions / Read

Release Notes: Public API 2.124.0

  1. Add subsidyIntegrationId (the subsidy integration id that should be applied for a tariff, only valid for Energy ToU tariffs.) to:
    1. the payload of TariffChangedNotification notification, Notifications / Subscribe
    2. pricing object of tariffs:
      1. Tariffs / Listing
      2. Tariffs / Create
      3. Tariffs / Read
      4. Tariffs / Update
      5. Tariff Snapshot / Read
  2. Add response 404 - "The record is not found" to:
    1. Charge Points / Delete
    2. Locations / Delete

Release Notes: Public API 2.123.0

  1. Add durationFeeFrom and durationFeeTo to:
    1. the payload of TariffChangedNotification notification, Notifications / Subscribe
    2. pricing object of tariffs:
      1. Tariffs / Listing
      2. Tariffs / Create
      3. Tariffs / Read
      4. Tariffs / Update
      5. Tariff Snapshot / Read

Release Notes: Public API 2.122.0

  1. Add more measurands to the payload of SessionMeterValuesNotification webhook, Notifications / Subscribe
    1. Current.Import
    2. Current.Offered
    3. Energy.Active.Import.Register
    4. Power.Offered
    5. Temperature
    6. Voltage
  2. Change the endpoint of Charge Point Models to
  3. Change the endpoint of Charge Point Vendors to
  4. Add evsePhysicalReference property to filter object of Charge Points / Listing to get EVSE by physical reference (e.g. from QR code). Remove physicalReference property.

Release Notes: Public API 2.121.0

  1. Notifications:
    1. Create a new webhook when CDR Received, Notifications / Subscribe
    2. Add user id and email to the payload of the partnerInvite.changed notification, Notifications / Subscribe
    3. Add meterStart and meterStop to the payload of the SessionStartStopNotification notification, Notifications / Subscribe
  2. Circuits:
    1. Add support for electricity meters to circuits, Circuits / Create
    2. Add user priorities for using a circuit, Circuits / User Priorities / Create
  3. Add possibility to start a session without EVSE ID, Actions / Start Charging Session Without EVSE
  4. Rename applyToUsersOfChargePointOwner to applyToUsersOfChargePointPartner in restrictions of a tariff, Tariffs / Create
  5. Add EVSE status to the roaming object, Charge Point / EVSEs / Listing

Release Notes: Public API 2.120.0

  1. Implement pagination support for sessions history, Sessions / Listing
    • page
      The page number to fetch (defaults to 1). Not used in cursor pagination.
    • per_page
      The numbers of items to return. Used in both page and cursor pagination to declare the page size.