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Release Notes: Public API 3.21.0

  1. Update the APIs for the resource Electricity rates to v2.0 and deprecate v1.0.
  2. Add resources Electricity rates / Days to Electricity rates.
  3. Add resources Electricity rates / Days / Prices to Electricity rates / Days.
  4. Add an endpoint for Electricity rates / Weekly Prices Listing.

Release Notes: Public API 3.20.0

  1. Add properties invoiceId and receiptId to Transactions resources and deprecate invoiceNo.
  2. Deprecate property receiptId from Sessions resources and SessionUpdateNotification.
  3. Add chargingProfile object to the actions:
    1. Actions / Start Charging Session
    2. Actions / Start Charging with EVSE ID

Release Notes: Public API 3.19.0

  1. Add response 409 to Actions/Resend Failed Notifications.
  2. Expose externalId in the API of Id Tags resources.
  3. Add freeRenewalPeriods to pre-paid Subscription plans resources.
  4. Add remainingFreeRenewalPeriods to Subscriptions resources.

Release Notes: Public API 3.18.0

  1. Add preconditioningTime to:
    1. the response of Personal smart charging preferences / Read
    2. the parameters and the response of Personal smart charging preferences / Update and Charge Points / Smart Charging / Update

Release Notes: Public API 3.16.0

  1. Add a new type of notification - chargingProfile.applied
  2. Add a new error code - TERMS_NOT_ACCEPTED, to:
    1. Actions / Start Charging Session
    2. Actions / Start Charging with EVSE ID
    3. Actions / Start Charging Session Without EVSE

Release Notes: Public API 3.15.0

  1. Add energyConsumption object and estimatedElectricityCostSavings property to the session object and deprecate energy property, as well as add energyConsumption object to clockAlignedEnergyConsumption object and remove energyConsumed in the following:
    1. the response of Sessions / Listing and Sessions / Read
    2. SessionUpdateNotification

Release Notes: Public API 3.14.0

  1. Add new resources Electricity Meters.
  2. Add a new action Actions / Report Consumption of an electricity meter.
  3. Add cursor parameter for pagination of Tariff Groups / Listing and Tariffs / Listing. Add the corresponding pagination data to the success response of both requests.

Release Notes: Public API 3.12.0

  1. Add array of idTags objects to the APIs of Provisioning Certificates resources.

Release Notes: Public API 3.11.0

  1. Deprecated APIs v1.0 of the Partners resource.
  2. Add a property externalAppData to the payload of UserChangedNotification.
  3. Add bankDetails object with properties to:
    1. Partners / Create and Partners / Update,
    2. Users / Create and Users / Update.
  4. Add externalAppData object for holding additional data related to external integrations to:
    1. the filters and response of Users / Listing,
    2. the parameters and response of Users / Create, Users / Update,
    3. response of Users / Read.

Release Notes: Public API 3.10.0

  1. Deprecate the property taxID in:
    1. the payload of TariffChangedNotification,
    2. the response of Tariff Snapshot / Read, Tariffs / Listing, Tariffs / Read,
    3. the parameters and the response of Tariffs / Create, Tariffs / Update.
  2. Rename everywhere the value of the property terminalType from CityEV to Embedded.