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Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.32.0

  1. Add bank_transfer as an option to paymentType property in:
    1. SessionUpdateNotification,
    2. parameters and response of Sessions / Listing,
    3. response of Sessions / Read.
  2. Add properties averagePowerIdleThreshold and stateOfChargeIdleThreshold in:
    1. TariffChangedNotification,
    2. response of Tariff Snapshot / Read, Tariffs / Listing,
    3. parameters and response of Tariffs / Create, Tariffs / Update.
  3. Depricate lastUpdatedAt in:
    1. response of Contact details / Read
    2. parameters and response of Contact details / Update

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.31.0

Add a parameter withAmountDue to Users / Read request and amountDue to its response.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.30.0

  1. Add new options for week days, name for a special price, a list of dates when the special pricing would apply, e.g. holidays, promo days, etc. to Electricity rates / Days / Create and Electricity rates / Days / Update.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.29.0

  1. Add region and state parameters to Partners resource.
  2. Add enableReservationsQueue property to the response of Settings / Listing.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.27.0

  1. Add lockDurationPriceOnSessionStart, lockEnergyPriceOnSessionStart, lockIdlePriceOnSessionStart, lockPriceOnSessionStart to:
    1. Tariffs resource
    2. TariffChangedNotification
  2. Add noticeId in the Charge Points resources and deprecate partner.notice.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.26.0

  1. Add an option to manage charger electricity rate as an option of smart charging from owner preferences in Personal smart charging preferences / Update and to receive the object in the response of Personal smart charging preferences / Read.
  2. Add an option to disable the smart charging from owner preferences in the parameters of Personal smart charging preferences / Update.
  3. Add billedExternally option for filtering of Subscriptions / Listing and shouldUseExternalBilling property to its response and the one of Subscriptions / Read.
  4. Add billingType property to Transactions resources.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.25.0

  1. Add cursor parameter for pagination to Subscriptions / Listing and Transactions / Listing.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.24.0

  1. Add terminalId property to:
    1. parameters of Sessions / Listing,
    2. parameters and response of the APIs of Transactions resources.
  2. Add cardDetails object to the responses of the APIs of Transactions resources.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.23.0

  1. Add billingStatus property to:
    1. SessionUpdateNotification,
    2. parameters and response of Sessions / Listing,
    3. parameters of Sessions / Read.
  2. Add emailVerified parameter to Users / Create and Users / Update.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.22.0

  1. Add more detailed reasons for a session stop to:
    1. SessionStartStopNotification, SessionUpdateNotification
    2. parameters and response of Sessions / Listing
    3. response of Sessions / Read
  2. Add more possible values for a state of a period in a charging session to:
    1. SessionUpdateNotification
    2. response of Sessions / Listing and Sessions / Read