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Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.45.0

  1. Add properties connectedPhase, parentCircuitId and phaseRotation to the resource Circuit.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.44.0

  1. Add properties integratedAt and manufacturedAt to the resource Charge Point.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.43.0

  1. Add a parameter withChargingPeriodsPriceBreakdown to the resource Sessions.
  2. Add a property totalAmount and an object priceBreakdown with new properties pricePerUnit and taxPercentage to responses of the resource Sessions and the SessionUpdateNotification and deprecate amount and tax.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.42.0

  1. Add an option externalAppData to the parameter include of the resource Locations.
  2. Add the parameter usesRenewableEnergy to the resource Charge Points.
  3. Add externalAppData to the resource EVSEs and the responses of the resource Charge Point / EVSEs.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.41.0

  1. Add filters sentAfter and sentBefore to Cdrs / Listing
  2. Add properties deliveryResponse and sentAt to the response of Cdrs / Listing and Cdrs / Read.
  3. Add a response with status 400 to Cdrs / Listing.
  4. Add properties loadBalancingIntegrationId and loadBalancingStartDate to the parameters and response of Circuits / Create and Circuits / Update.
  5. Add a property enabled and deprecate partnerId of the resource Roaming Operators.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.40.0

  1. Add option split_phase to the property phases and property connectedPhase to the resources Charge Point / EVSEs / EVSE and Charge Points / Smart Charging / Update.
  2. Add the property requireInvoiceLastUpdatedAt to Invoice details / Read and Invoice details / Create or update.
  3. Add options for states when the parameter country of Locations / Listing is Canada or United States Minor Outlying Islands.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.39.0

  1. Add a property allowDynamicLoadManagement to the parameters of Option 3 and response of Charge Points / Smart Charging / Update.
  2. Add an object subtitle to the response of Terms and policies / Listing and Terms and policies / Read.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.37.0

Add a property compressionCodec to the Notifications via Kafka.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.36.0

  1. Rename defaultPricePerKwh to defaultPrice and remove pricingGranularityInMinutes from resource Electricity rate.
  2. Add a property businessName to the resource Partner.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.35.0

Add a notification parkingSpace.occupancyStatus.changed.