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Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.51.0

  1. Add a property tags to the resource Location.
  2. Add properties bankTransferType, cardNetwork and methodType to the resource Transaction and deprecate type.
  3. Add properties bankTransferType and tokenizedType to the resource Payment Method.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.50.0

  1. Deprecate setSessionLimitToZeroOnIdle in the resource Circuit.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.48.0

  1. Add service_fee value as a type of fee in the mix of fees in a charging session returned from the resource Session and SessionUpdateNotification.
  2. Add the property label to the returned data of the resource EVSE and Charge Point / EVSE.
  3. Add initialized value to the parameter status of the resource Transaction.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.47.0

  1. Add a property noticeId to the response of Charge Point Downtime Periods / Listing and EVSE Downtime Periods / Listing.
  2. Add a property collectedAt to Revenue / Listing.
  3. Add filters (platformId, countryCode, partyId) to Roaming Providers / Listing.
  4. Add option to create a roaming provider with Gireve 2.2.1 emsp roaming connection to Roaming Providers / Create and Roaming Providers / Update.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.46.0

  1. Deprecate property status in the resource Location and LocationChangedNotification.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.45.0

  1. Add properties connectedPhase, parentCircuitId and phaseRotation to the resource Circuit.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.44.0

  1. Add properties integratedAt and manufacturedAt to the resource Charge Point.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.43.0

  1. Add a parameter withChargingPeriodsPriceBreakdown to the resource Sessions.
  2. Add a property totalAmount and an object priceBreakdown with new properties pricePerUnit and taxPercentage to responses of the resource Sessions and the SessionUpdateNotification and deprecate amount and tax.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.42.0

  1. Add an option externalAppData to the parameter include of the resource Locations.
  2. Add the parameter usesRenewableEnergy to the resource Charge Points.
  3. Add externalAppData to the resource EVSEs and the responses of the resource Charge Point / EVSEs.

Release Notes: Public API of AMPECO Charge 3.41.0

  1. Add filters sentAfter and sentBefore to Cdrs / Listing
  2. Add properties deliveryResponse and sentAt to the response of Cdrs / Listing and Cdrs / Read.
  3. Add a response with status 400 to Cdrs / Listing.
  4. Add properties loadBalancingIntegrationId and loadBalancingStartDate to the parameters and response of Circuits / Create and Circuits / Update.
  5. Add a property enabled and deprecate partnerId of the resource Roaming Operators.