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Pagination is essential when dealing with large datasets in API responses. It allows clients to retrieve data in smaller, more manageable portions instead of receiving all the data at once. The key elements of pagination include:

  • Limit: The maximum number of items to return in a single response. You can set the value using the per_page parameter, with a default limit of 100. The value cannot exceed 100.
  • Cursor: A token or identifier that points to a specific location within the dataset, indicating where to start fetching the next set of results. To get the first page, set the cursor parameter to null.

Implementing Cursor Pagination

Request Parameters

When implementing cursor pagination, you'll need to specify the following request parameters:

  • per_page: An integer specifying the maximum number of items to return in a single response. This parameter is optional, and if not provided, a default limit of 100 will be used. The value cannot exceed 100.
  • cursor: A token or identifier that points to a specific location within the dataset, indicating where to start fetching the next set of results. To get the first page, set this parameter to null.

Response Format

The API response should include the following elements:

  • data: An array containing the paginated data for the current page.
  • links: An object containing links to navigate through the pages, including the next link, which provides the URL for the next page.
  • meta: An object providing additional metadata, including the next_cursor, which is the cursor for the next page.

Here's an example response format:

  "data": [/* Array of paginated data */],
  "links": {
    "first": null,
    "last": null,
    "prev": null,
    "next": "https://api.example.com/resource?page=2&cursor=eyJ1c2Vycy5pZCI6MiwiX3BvaW50c1RvTmV4dEl0ZW1zIjp0cnVlfQ"
  "meta": {
    "path": "https://api.example.com/resource",
    "per_page": 2,
    "next_cursor": "eyJ1c2Vycy5pZCI6MiwiX3BvaW50c1RvTmV4dEl0ZW1zIjp0cnVlfQ",
    "prev_cursor": null


Requesting the First Page

To request the first page of data, make a GET request to the API endpoint while setting the cursor parameter to null and specifying the desired per_page:

curl --location 'https://api.example.com/resource?per_page=2&cursor=null' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ExampleToken'

Requesting Subsequent Pages

To request the next page of data, use the next_cursor value obtained from the meta object in the previous response.

curl --location 'https://api.example.com/resource?page=2&cursor=eyJ1c2Vycy5pZCI6MiwiX3BvaW50c1RvTmV4dEl0ZW1zIjp0cnVlfQ' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ExampleToken'

Handling the End of Results

When you receive a response with a next_cursor that is null or not provided, it indicates that no more pages are available, and you've reached the end of the results. You can stop making further pagination requests at this point, as there is no more data to retrieve.