View Available Circuits
Display available configurations of electrical circuits.
To see available circuit configurations the user would initiate the process via the Custom App by requesting the Backend to list the available circuit configurations. The Custom Backend then communicates with the Public API by making a GET request to the /resources/circuits/v1.0 endpoint.
In response, the Public API returns a JSON object containing data of available circuits, including relevant details - ID, name, phases, maximum current, and associated charge points with their specifics such as ID, maximum current, phases, input voltage and phase rotation.
"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "EXAMPLE",
"phases": "3",
"maxCurrent": 100,
"chargePoints": [
"id": 2933,
"maxCurrent": 64,
"phases": "1",
"inputVoltage": "220-240",
"phaseRotation": "L1"
The retrieved list of available circuit configurations is displayed to the user by the Custom App.
Updated over 1 year ago